martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

My autobiography

Hello!. My name is Bárbara Olmedo. I am 24 years old. I was born in 1992.  I am studying cinema and tv in the university of the Chile.  My mother is  Argentinean and my father is Chilean. They are divorced. My sister travels for all Latin America, because she loves to meet different places and persons. I have two cats black fat very annoying, but I love. The name of cats is Heaven and Venus. They are 13 years old.
I love anime since I was 8 years old, cause that the anime  Evangelion (1995) surprised a lot  for its story convoluted and its main character unstable. Also I used to watch this anime with my father  every  Sunday in the night. Now we watch Battlestar Galactica.
My family encorage my love to movies because every time  we go to the cinema on weekend. Nevertheless now it is difficult to watch movies, the reason is the university ruins my view about the cinema. Now I see the movies in a very technical way.

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