The course that has caugth most my attention this semester was an elective course called Narración, representación y mito, taken in the last year of study. At the beginning, I didn't have much expectations, but the items taugth in class were quite interesting and useful for the Cine y tv career. The course is about how to make stories from the fundamental structure of the myths, because in them is where the essence of humanity lies. The recurrent plots that repeat in stories, the recurent themes in tales of any kind are there in myths. Also being a very small amount of students attending, makes it more intimate in comparison to other courses where one tend to go unnoticed. Is worth mentioning that the lectures are pretty ligth, being pleasurable to read. At first I didn’t have good feeling about the course, since I took it for the credits. In general, I find it very amusing and useful. Other courses treat recurrent issues, this course is unique in it’s content, making it more interesting than others. Beside all that, the stories that the teacher tells us to introduce us the subjects are quite fantastic and get your entire attention.
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